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150 £6.43

Dimple Base O/F Whisky Tumbler

Product code: JL27
Collection: Crystal Galleries
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£6.43 - £7.14 (including vat)
Size: 95mm

The Dimple Base O/F Whisky Tumbler is a stunning crystal whisky glass with a deep crystal base and short straight sides. This simple yet sophisticated glass is detailed with a stunning dimple in the base, for a high quality finish. The smooth sides of the Dimple Base O/F Whisky Tumbler can be personalised with high quality text and logo engraving, to perfectly match your presentation needs. Supplied in a free skillet box, the whisky tumbler can also be purchased with a satin lined presentation box to make a great gift for any whisky lover.

The Dimple Base O/F Whisky Tumbler can be purchased with or without personalised high quality engraving.

For awards with engraving, simply enter your text in the personalisation section below and upload your logo now or email it to us later. We will email a free artwork proof for your approval before production begins.

Step 1. Quantity & Options
Step 2. Personalisation (select option 3 if not required)
1. Personalise all items the same
2. Personalise each item individually
3. No personalisation required


Artwork information

.EPS is the logo format required by our engraving machines. This type of editable vector artwork file is typically available from your logo designer or art/media department and must be created and saved in editable '.EPS' format. An .EPS vector file cannot be saved by reformatting a flat image (.JPG of .GIF). The .EPS file requires the full detailed outline for accurate engraving.

If you do not have a copy of your logo in .EPS format, we are able to provide a reformatting service for a small additional cost per logo. Once the logo has been reformatted we can provide you with a copy for future use.

Please see below examples of a vectored .EPS file compared to other lower quality Bitmap formats:
Vectored .EPS vs Bitmap .JPG