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Fusion Cobra Football Players' Player Award - Small

Product code: PM25110A
Collection: Trendsetting Awards
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£4.95 - £5.50 (including vat)
Size: 110mm

Part of the Fusion Cobra range, this sleek modern award offers a selection of football titles, suitable for any awards presentation. Moulded from glossy gold non-scratch hard shell plastic, the Fusion Cobra Football Players' Player Award is a small football award displaying an embossed metal insert with an image of a football and the words PLAYERS' PLAYER.

Please note, the shield motif is supplied separately on a self assembly basis.

The trophy can be supplied with a FREE separate personalised self-adhesive engraved plate displaying your text details, ready to be applied.

Step 1. Quantity & Options
Step 2. Personalisation (select option 3 if not required)
1. Personalise all items the same
2. Personalise each item individually
3. No personalisation required